Betekenis van:
computer program


  1. "Hello world" is the universal computer program.
  2. Copy this program on your computer.
  3. I installed a new software program yesterday on my computer.
  4. I wanna my money back because this computer program is not efficient like they promissed.
  5. I once read an interesting anthology of poetry generated by a computer program in 1984.
  6. You should let a computer program generate your passwords for you.
  7. This program is going to focus on computer hacking issues today.
  8. A computer program for calculating an LC50.
  9. writing a computer program using a specialised programming language,
  10. computer skills for writing a computer program using a specialised programming language.
  11. computer skills for writing a computer program using a specialised programming language,
  12. An analysis method with capability for non-linear materials (special purpose computer program or finite element analysis program);
  13. The computer program for checking the format of computer files before sending them to the Commission (WinCheckCsv) is included in the data transfer program (STADIUM client).
  14. The computer program for checking the format of computer files before sending them to the Commission (‘WinCheckCsv’) is included in the data transfer program (‘eDAMIS client’).
  15. The computer program for checking the format of computer files before sending them to the Commission (‘WinCheckCsv’) is included in the data transfer program (‘STADIUM client’).